
Sitting in the garret and we hear whack, whack, whack from across the street.

Slå katten af tønden or cat in a barrel is like piñata but it is a barrel.

Fastelavn is a carnival like celebration just prior to Lent. Danes of all ages dress up and a whack at the barrel. Who cracks open the barrel is the queen.

It is not enough to spill the contents, the barrel must be demolished. Everyone takes a whack. No slat can be left. The one to complete the job is the king and wins a crown and a prize.

Still loot to be gathered from the last barrel.
This young man finished off the barrel to be crowned king. I think I heard him say that his prize was coal.

There is a food component to this holiday: Gammeldags Fastelavnsbolls

Sweet buns with chocolate chips and pastry cream inside. Great with an afternoon coffee.