Getting Settled

The residence paperwork lists me as supportive spouse. To be supportive I am checking out grocery stores. First stop – Aldi because that is where I shop at home. Of course, it was nothing like the Aldi where I shop at home.

Next was Netto. Not much more money, a broader selection, and right around the corner. Wifi meant I could use my phone for translating. Yesterday it was Fatka. I have a list of stores and an open market to visit next week.

I have decided to stock the pantry one meal at a time. I only shop with a hand-held basket to be sure I can carry everything home and up 5 flights of stairs. Each excursion includes some staples.

These cibatta are ready to eat but they recommend you throw them in the oven for 10 minutes. Delish!

The first night I made sausage sandwiches on baguette with salad. The next night I thought a family favorite would make it more homey. American Chop Suey. Alas, I got diced tomato instead of crushed. I forgot parmesean, too. Not exactly like home. But it is an adventure.

Last night we got take out, Schwarma with tzatziki, hummus, warm pitas and salad. It was tasty. Tonight it is leftovers. I picked up the parmesan and crushed tomatoes so we will revisit the chop suey with those cibatta rolls.