My Mother Told Me

My mother told me, “Spend the money on your bedding. A good night’s sleep is worth every penny.” Yesterday we did something about that. On the way we saw a new part of Copenhagen.

We emptied our backpacks for our planned purchases, and headed southwest to a home goods store. We live in the oldest part of the city so we saw lots of things we have not seen before. Modern Copenhagen.

First some rules of the road.

Note the man standing still. Jaywalking is frowned upon. At bigger intersections during the short grace period before vehicles get the green light, he will tilt to his side and look like he’s been hit.
When the green man is walking you can go. Obviously.
White bike means you cannot pedal through. Bikes have their own lanes and their own rules.
He is a good sport. Always.
And patient with my need to blog.
We have arrived in the big city.
Logo City
This is city hall.
Brian has a real camera.
We are in their country.
Railway under the station
A road under a building
Round buildings
Colorful buildings
We’ve been told this is the place to be on St. Patty’s Day. The two center windows are video ads.
Him hanging out the window makes me a little crazy.