The Neighborhood

Out our front window

Right across from our door is this little cafe with a glass encased firepit.

Cafe G

The Church of Our Lady is the cathedral of Copenhagen. It is situated on the Frue Plads public square in central Copenhagen, next to the historic main building of the University of Copenhagen

Copenhagen Cathedral
Down the street
This is a street, shared by pedestrians, bikes and vehicles.
Some spaces are not for vehicles

Saturday we went walking down by the canals. It was brisk but beautiful.

Christiansborg Palace, home of the Danish Parliament
I think I may have to come back for a kayak ride and a cocktail when Spring gets here.

There was a protest against dumping sludge in the bay, staged on the canal. It was impressive to see all the boats parading for their cause.


Børsen, also known as Børsbygningen, is a 17th-century stock exchange in the center of Copenhagen.

The spire is made up of dragons with their tails all spiraled together.
My partner in crime.